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Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Ade agak2 dua tiga sebab la yg buat saya stress...
Pertama, esok nk presentation
Kedua, td quiz n ta dapat jawab
Ketiga, next week mid term
Keempat, psikologi...a word cn describe many things..
Kelima, financial's running out while i don't know where that money's gone..
And so on

So, ape yg sy buat? Hee..
First, i kemas blk yg bersepah tu..
Kedua, i clear kn meja out of books
Ketiga, i watch movies
Then, i practice balik presentation
Next, i try bkk sket2 bku cct
Then, i should sleep...hee

Sy rase semakin sihat dan out of stress...heee

Official mina aziz

Awesome day

Hi gojezz...
Salam alaik n salam satu malaysia....hee
Neway uolss...supposedly i got to do this presentation this morning but i've not prepared for my part...then masuk kelas pun mcm takut2 je...juz imagine i'm one of those who come late for class almost every class..then masuk je org mesti dah blja...(it's not good, mina....change k..)...then group ni present...then group yg lain pulak...sampailah turn org yg before us, the class ended...just imagine my feeling? It's awesomeeee!!

Official mina aziz

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