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Thursday, May 3, 2012

Jauh lagi journey..lex2 dulu

Erm, sedar2 dah twenty dah aku ni..urm, well, not 20 lagi la coz my bday 0812, hehe, a long way to go kan? that's right! a long way to go, mina! a long way to go before u grad, a long way to go before u got job, a long way before u got married...

hurm,,get married, last two or three days, i went for my friend's wedding...tak suka! tak suka! tak suka! sebab rasa nak kahwin jugak...hurm,,,,TAK SUKA TENGOK ORANG KAWEN!! NANTI NAK KAWEN JUGAK!!

but, wait a minute, mina! u got balls ke nak kawen awal? dah pandai masak? pandai berhias apa semua for your hubby? dah habis matured nak jadi dewasa? urm, of coz la a BIG NO for that question!

OK, OK, OK!! bulatkan hati, tanamkan TEKAD! okaylah! i will not talk about that anymore, i mean, bout that marriage, wedding things..yelah! i know i don't have the guts to be wedded to some guy i don't know, but still i wanna get married later la, yup! LATER!

from now on, i will not talk about marriage, i will belajar until I berdarah beku keluar dari hidung and work out until my parents got impressed with me. yeah la juga! until when u nak jadi the black sheep of the family, erk? wo, woo, woo, sejak bila plak u jadi black sheep of the family plak? aisey man....

haha! OK! got a clear mind dah! i will not talk about marriage any longer, i will study until i got my degree, then, i'll pursue for master, until then i would get married, haha~

then, i'll get a job and work until i can get a car, a house and things for my kid, if i have one...REALLY?

then, it's life order la kot, u were born, then u died...PAP! the end of story!

NO! there's still HEREAFTER la afterwards...

so, OK! i died, then i'll be judged at the Day of Judgement and will be evaluated for JANNAH or HELLFIRE...hopefully not hellfire..

ya la...nak tak nak tu belakang cerita...u dah buat apa yang ALLAH suruh buat ke? dah??

erm, some yes, some no, but i'll work towards JANNAH.....

yeah....after that, ALLAH did promised right which for those yang dah berada dalam atas jalan ISLAM, orang itu akan mendapat syurga sooner or, insyaALLAH jannah though i know i am a bit hypocrite about myself...yeah!! admit that!

so, then in jannah, u'll get the real HAPPY EVER AFTER~~


mina aziz
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